
March 2023 | Archive

40 Lessons from 30 Years
2022 letter | Dan Wang
The age of average
The Cell Structure: How Supercell Turned the Traditional Org-Chart Upside Down
The Taste Economy
TO TRUCK, BARTER AND EXCHANGE? On the nature of our digital economies
Valve: How I Got Here, What It’s Like, and What I’m Doing
A Brief History of the Console and the Future of Gaming
A new Nintendo Switch model might be on the way
America's future and the network state
Anycolor Inc - The Talent Agency of the Metaverse Has Explosive Growth and Is Extremely Profitable
Disguised Toast is moving beyond streaming, but it’s coming at a cost
Eric Seufert on the online advertising ecosystem
Evidence #4 (Damir Becirovic)
Ex-YouTube Employee Exposes 7 Ways To Hack Algorithm
Half of Twitter Blue subscribers have less than 1,000 followers
How Duolingo reignited user growth
How MrBeast keeps winning fans—and burger and chocolate sales
Internet Computers
Is Squad Busters Supercell’s next multi-billion dollar smash?
JPMorgan Chase doesn’t care about your deposits
Malleable software in the age of LLMs
My Hardest Bug Ever
My most valuable retention KPIs
Nintendo Q&A (March 2023)
OpenAI CEO, CTO on risks and how AI will reshape society (YouTube)
OpenAI Unveils GPT-4, Months After ChatGPT Stunned Silicon Valley
Running a Membership Program: Four Years In — by Craig Mod
Sources: Yes "Counter-Strike 2" Is Real And It's Round The Corner
Sources: Yes "Counter-Strike 2" Is Real And It's Round The Corner
Squad Busters Thoughts — Making Games & Building Teams
Temu shopping app lures new users, coupons for existing customers
The 24 Hour “Do Nothing” Challenge
The Defining Decade of Vertical SaaS
The evolution of Sky's seasonal events
The Give-to-Get Model for AI Startups
They thought loved ones were calling for help. It was an AI scam.
Thinking About AI
Valve New Employee Handbook
Why Valve? Or, what do we need corporations for and how does Valve’s management structure fit into today’s corporate world?