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This is an archive of my past blog posts published on Substack or Medium (chronological order)

My favorite posts are highlighted in green.

📺Smart YouTube🪙Full Time Fan👥Parasocial Relationships (Draft)📈Who is MrBeast?🏦How do content creators make money?🔮Esports Predictions for 2020🍴Arming The Rebels of The Future💡Esports Predictions for 2019🎓First Year in VC💤The New Dream Job🔁Shortening Feedback Loops👾Esports Landscape (July, 2016)Tweets, Awkward Suits, and Hustle🤷‍♂️The Most Difficult Part of VC🎮The Esports Landscape (Feb. 2016)📨The Best Email Workflow🐺Joining the Wolfpack🔫How Virtual Weapons Created a Booming Economy👾Esports: Millions of Viewers, Millions of Dollars🏫What I learned during my first 10 months as a VC🥶Cold Tweets are the new cold Email…